Social innovation to find solutions for the challenges Nepal is facing due to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

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Today, the Virtual Design Thinking Challenge – a collaboration between the Impact Week and King’s College – kicked off! Ten teams, made up of Nepali young professionals and students residing in countries all over the world, and mentored by local and international design thinking experts, are coming up with solutions to some of the challenges which Nepal is facing due to COVID-19.
What are the focus areas for the challenge? Each participating team has chosen a focus area for their challenge. The four areas are: Public Health & Sanitation, Education, Business, and Community. Read on to find out more about each of the four areas.
Public Health
Compared to neighbouring countries, Nepal is still in the preliminary phases of the COVID-19 outbreak. The government is working on increasing the testing and making it available to the wider community. How can we help in identifying more COVID-19 cases and prevent further spread of the disease? How can we increase awareness of COVID-19 and its associated risks, and improve the sanitary habits of those living in both urban and rural communities? How could we use digital technologies commonly used in Nepal to help in the identification or surveillance of infected people?
The lockdown in Nepal has a high impact on small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) across all industries. Can we help SMEs transform their traditional businesses into digital and financially sustainable businesses? Or can we develop new business models that might help enhance public life during this crisis? Can we turn this social crisis into a social entrepreneurial opportunity?
Educational institutions all over the country have currently shut down due to the pandemic. Some schools and colleges have recently started teaching online, using digital technologies. If the crisis continues, it will be difficult to continue education in Nepal through traditional means. What are the opportunities for Education 2.0 in Nepal? What can a virtual and collaborative school or online modality for higher education look like? How can we make such online learning engaging and ‘social’ for students? Can we use this rise of online systems of learning to possibly enhance literacy in remote districts of Nepal?
Community - #WeAreInThisTogether
With social distancing and lockdowns in place, communities are highly impacted. We cannot meet, greet or support our friends, families or neighbours in person, even though they may need our help now more than ever. People relying on daily wages are in danger of struggling to cover their basic survival needs. How can we act together as a community to support each other during this crisis? Can we look beyond our religious or communal differences to support all members of our society tackle the challenges caused by this crisis? How can we help increase the community’s preparedness for such an unprecedented crisis?
We can’t wait to share more about our virtual challenge and some of the solutions with you very soon. Stay tuned!